The “Gospel” Series
Romans 1:1-7
Romans 1:8-17
Romans 1:18-32
Romans 2:1-5
Romans 2:6-16
Romans 2:17-29
Romans 3:1-9
Romans 3:10-20
Romans 3:21-31
Romans 4:1-5
Romans 4:6-17
Romans 4:18-25
Romans 5:1-11
Romans 5:12-21
Romans 1:7
✳ Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ
✳ Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ
Romans FAQ
The book of Romans answers three things. What are we saved from? Who can save us? How do we attain salvation? Paul, the author of the letter, looks into sin and its consequences, Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us, and faith as the right attitude and response to God’s grace.
The book of Romans is perhaps the most significant letter in the New Testament. Since it presents, explains, and applies the gospel to our lives in a powerful way, it is crucial to read, study, and live it out. The “Gospel“ Series aims to nurture members and inspire them to share the salvation we have in Christ with others.
There are four things you can do. First, read the sermon passage in advance several times and take notes of the things that stand out for you while reading the text. Second, study the “Thursday Thought“ posted on the website under the “Gospel“ Series page. Third, discuss in your Sabbath School Class and/or Care Group the ideas, truths, and challenges that appear in the sermon passage. Fourth, rewatch the sermon to make sure you grasp the main idea of the text.