Humanity’s Ruin Through Adam

The explanation Paul gives us to understand the reason of humanity’s spiritual and physical ruin in Romans 5:12 is pretty straightforward, Adam disobeyed God. As a result, sin and death came into our world. Yet the worst part of this reality is that now everyone is guilty and also born with a natural tendency to disobey and rebel. It is puzzling that God does not explain how all this happened but simply states that it did, leaving us with more questions than answers regarding the nature of sin.

Humanity’s Rescue Through Jesus

Romans 5:15-19 is a passage of contrasting legacies from the two representatives of mankind. On the one hand, we inherited from Adam: sin, condemnation, and death. In other words, we were made sinners and mortal in Adam. On the other hand, we receive from Jesus: grace, justification, and abundant life. Simply put, we are made righteous and immortal in Christ. God’s rescue through Jesus not only neutralizes Adam’s legacy but also offers something we could never attain on our own, eternity.

Humanity’s Reign Through Grace

The reign of death over mankind is indisputable. No human being can claim victory over it. However, Jesus, “the one man” through which we receive forgiveness and a clean slate, gives us the opportunity to “reign in life” because of His “abundant provision of grace” and “the gift of righteousness” (vv. 17, 21). This is great news: the King of the universe left His throne to become a man and die the death we deserve so we may have His life and rule alongside Him! Hard to believe, isn’t it?

Still, we need to answer the question, “How does this understanding of God’s grace affect my life right now? Get ready to find a surprising answer in Romans 5:12-21!

Reflection Questions

  • What are your thoughts on Adam’s legacy of sin, condemnation, and death? Isn’t it unfair to be punished for something we did not do?

  • What are your thoughts on Jesus’ legacy of grace, justification, and abundant life? Does it make sense to be given something we do not deserve?

  • In your opinion, how do we get to that point of reigning with God? What do you think we need to understand and experience for that promise to become a reality in our lives?