Paul’s Twist: From “They” to “You”

When Paul was talking about sinful humanity in Romans 1:18-32, he always used the personal pronouns “they/them.” Now, he turns to the reader in Romans 2:1 and says, “You are guilty, too! You are no better than others. As a matter of fact, you do the same things you point out!”

Jesus’ Words: From Judge to Family

Paul is actually echoing Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:1-5, where Christ ordered us to take a good look at ourselves before trying to fix others. He sternly commanded us to not judge. However, Jesus also told us to correct our brothers and sisters with love whenever we see them sinning (Matthew 18:15-17).

Judging Others or Helping Others?

It is clear that Paul and Jesus condemned having a hypocritical “holier than thou” attitude. Judging others is not our business because only God’s judgment is true (Romans 2:2). Yet we are called to help, correct, and restore one another (Galatians 6:1; 2 Timothy 4:2-5).

Still, we need to answer the question, “How can we avoid judging others while helping our church family members by speaking the truth in love?” Take time to read all the passages mentioned above to prepare for the sermon!

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Paul turns his attention from the general picture of sinful humanity to the reader of his letter in Romans 2:1-5?

  • How can we reconcile Jesus’ command in Matthew 7:1 with his counsel in Matthew 18:15?

  • In what way(s) can we avoid being judgmental when admonishing a brother/sister in the faith?