Righteousness: God’s Way
According to Romans 1:17, the good news is an explanation of “how God makes us right in his sight” (NLT). We need God’s righteousness, which is God’s way of saving us, because we cannot earn, deserve, or attain salvation by ourselves. Our situation is so desperate that Paul decides to spend the rest of the chapter talking about it.
Wickedness: Our Way
Wickedness is the opposite of righteousness. In the same way God’s righteousness is an expression of His holiness, “godlessness” and “wickedness” point to our sinful condition (v. 18). People are naturally inclined to be at war with the Creator (godlessness - vertical relationship) and at war with other human beings (wickedness - horizontal relationship).
God’s Wrath: Fire and Brimstone?
We tend to think of God’s anger or wrath over sin as an event towards the end of our world’s history that will involve fire and brimstone. Paul states that God’s wrath “is being revealed” (v. 18) right now. However, we are not seeing any fire nor brimstone coming down from heaven.
Therefore, we need to answer the question, “How is God’s wrath being revealed at the moment?” Read verses 19-32 to prepare for the sermon!
Reflection Questions
The fact that only God can make us right in His sight points out we are lost without Him. In your opinion, how does that reality bring you closer to Jesus and the gospel?
Paul says that godlessness and wickedness characterize mankind. Do you tend to see wickedness and godlessness in others but not in yourself? What comes to mind when you think of your own godlessness and wickedness?
After reading Romans 1:18-32, can you tell in what way(s) God’s wrath is “being revealed“ in our world right now?