“What Are You Saying, Paul?”

A great way to read Romans 3:1-9 is thinking of it as a “question and answer” session between the Apostle to the Gentiles and those reading him. A Q+A session mostly takes place at the end of a presentation. Paul has presented several ideas in Romans 1-2 and now puts forth some questions he believes readers may have.

Four Thought-Provoking Questions

The questions found in Romans 3:1-8 look complex and intimidating. Wording them differently can help us understand them better. Verse 1, “Is there any advantage in biblical religion?” Verse 3, “Does human unfaithfulness cancel divine faithfulness?” Verse 5, “If our sins are necessary for God’s love to be seen, why is He judging us?” Verse 7, “If our sins make God look better, shouldn’t we sin a lot more?”

Everyone Has the Same Problem

After answering the questions mentioned above, Paul brings the Q&A session to a close with a bold conclusion, everyone is “under the power of sin” (v. 9). In other words, everyone has the same problem, everyone is lost. Scary, right?

Still, we need to answer the question,
“If all of us have the same problem, is there a universal solution?” Take time to read Romans 3:1-9 to prepare for the sermon!

Reflection Questions

  • Is there any advantage in following the Bible and being a Seventh-day Adventist Christian? Why?

  • Do our sins (i.e., human unfaithfulness) invalidate God’s promise of salvation (divine faithfulness)? What arguments can you give to defend your answer?

  • What is wrong with thinking that God needs sin, evil, and unrighteousness to bring about His faithfulness, goodness, and holiness?