Righteousness Is a Person
The word “righteousness” simply means “sinlessness.” Following that basic definition, no one is “righteous” because no one is “sinless.” God’s righteousness is “apart from the law” (Romans 3:21), which totally makes sense because the law cannot make us better, only “conscious of our sin” (v. 20). God’s righteousness is found in Jesus, the gift “to all who believe” (v. 22).
Righteousness Is a Position
In verses 23-24, the author of Romans reinforces the idea that we all have the same spiritual condition. He also highlights that we are made righteous or “justified freely” by grace because of what Christ did for us. The positional change from “sinful” to “righteous” is something we cannot do for ourselves, only God can do it for us.
Righteousness Is a Process
After explaining who and what righteousness is, Paul discusses how God has made salvation and righteousness available to us (vv. 25-26). It is in the death of Jesus on the cross that we come to understand more clearly to what lenghts God has gone to redeem us. Righteousness is a process in which the Father and the Son work together for the redemption of mankind. Thus, we have nothing to brag about (vv. 27-31).
Still, we need to answer the question, “How can we receive God’s righteousness? Read Romans 3:21-31 to prepare for the sermon!
Reflection Questions
In what way(s) discovering that God’s righteousness is Jesus helps you understand the term better?
In your opinion, what changes our spiritual position from sinful to righteous?
Read vv. 25-26 and think about how expensive our redemption is. Why do you think God went through such a costly process to save us?